Design Professionals
Brooklyn's PI solution is tailored to professionals working in the Design industry.

Product Description:
Our Professional Indemnity solution is aimed toward Design professionals. Cover is provided on a broad ‘Civil Liability’ basis with a number of complimentary key policy features.
Cover Includes (Key Features):
- Automatic Reinstatement
- Breach of Confidentiality
- Claims Preparation Costs ($25,000)
- Consumer Protection Legislation
- Continuous Cover
- Court Attendance Costs
- Dishonesty of Employees
- Fidelity ($50,000 maximum)
- Contractual Liability
- Infringement of Intellectual Property
- Joint Venture Liability
- Libel or Slander
- Lost Documents
- Official Investigation and Enquiry Costs ($250,000)
- Public Relations Expenses ($50,000)
- Run Off Cover Insured Entity or Subsidiary
- Statutory Liability ($250,000 Maximum)
- Sub-contractors, Consultants and Agents (Vicarious)
- Technology Services
Limits Available:
Up to $10,000,000 for Professional Indemnity
Occupations Appetite:
- Acoustic
- Civil works
- Drafting
- Electrical
- Environmental
- Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning
- Hydraulic
- Industrial
- Marine
- Materials
- Mechanical
- Mining
- Plumbing
- Project / Construction Management
- Sewerage
- Software and systems
- Structural
- Watercourses and flows
- Architecture
- Drafting
- Interior Design
- Landscape Architecture
- Project/Construction Management
- Town Planning
- Building
- Land
- Quantity
- Aerial, Topographical, Hydrographic
- Geodynamic
* Aerospace Engineers
* Nuclear Engineers